Virtual Marketing Agent

Become a Virtual Marketing Agent and play a pivotal role in connecting potential clients with our services.

Here's how you can make an impact and earn commissions!

1. Post on Social Media

Start by sharing information about our services on your preferred social media platforms. Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok, spread the word and let your network know about the opportunities we offer.

2. Generate Interest

Engage with your audience, answer their queries, and generate interest. The more you engage, the higher the chances of getting potential leads.

3. Collect Basic Information

Once you have an interested individual, collect their basic information. This includes their name, phone number, and email address.

4. Refer & Earn

Send the collected information our way. We'll take it from there! If we successfully complete a sale with the person you referred, you'll receive a commission.

Virtual Marketing Agent

Thank you for your interest in the Virtual Marketing Agent role at Investments Optimized.

Please follow the instructions below to complete your enrollment.


  1. Personal Details: Provide your full name, contact number email address.

  2. Provide us with your Social media: Attach your updated resume in PDF or Word format.

  3. Book Your Presentation: Upon successful submission, you'll be redirected to our scheduling platform. Here, you can book a slot for a comprehensive presentation.

Next Steps

During this session:

  • We'll delve deeper into the specifics of the position you've applied for.

  • You'll gain insights into the role, our company culture, and what to expect.

  • We'll provide detailed instructions on the next steps and how to get started with us.

This presentation is a crucial step in our hiring process, ensuring that every potential team member is well-informed and aligned with our values and expectations.